We are the top supplier for computer peripherals in China. This store is mainly for wholesalers / retailers / distributors worldwide. We've deeply connected with dozens of factories in China to provide best products in China.
In our store, you can enjoy a lot of coupons & discount:
★Product Discount (from 8.22~12.31):
For mass order quantity, we offered different levels of product discount.
a) For a single sku of keycaps set, the discount would be:
≥10 sets,5% discount off
≥30 sets,8% discount off
≥50 sets,10% discount off
b) For other product series, the discount would be:
≥50 pcs,5% discount off
≥100 pcs,10% discount off
*We encourage and support our distributors to win more advantages in competition, so if you have large order quantity, we are willing to offer more discount within our profits range.
Meanwhile, if you have more order quantity, we can bargain with our suppliers for better pricing.
★Shopping Cart Coupons:
We've set up coupons for large orders. Don't forget to get coupons when you placing order.
US$ 5 off 300
US$ 10 off 500
US$ 25 off 1000
US$ 60 off 2000
★VIP Level Discount:
When you get more growth scores, your member level would be promoted. You can enjoy 15% discount at most (30% wholesaler level is not opened).
You can get growth scores by below ways:
1) Register account;
2) Placing orders;
3) Daily login in;
4) Write reviews and passed by administrator;
5) Promote products and recommend other buyers to register or place order.

Credits can replace up to 20% order amount. You can get them by below means:
1) Register account;
2) Placing orders;
3) Daily login in;
4) Write reviews and passed by administrator (one-time reward for a single listing) ;
5) Promote products and recommend other buyers to register or place order.
(If the buyer register though your shared link, it will brings you credits for all his/her future orders without limitation. So we suggest share on your SNS)
★What's more?
Domestic Free Shipping:
We are in ShenZhen city. If your China forwarder is not far from us, we will bear domestic shipping cost for you. (Please choose your forwarder's China address when placing order).
If you don't have suitable forwarder in China yet, we will recommend to you.
Meanwhile, we have our own forwarders in corporation and has set up their shipping lines to our system. You can choose them directly. We don't make profits from shipping fee. If you have any issue about shipping cost, please let us know. : )